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Terms and Conditions

Easy Headway provides essential guidelines for creating and defining terms and conditions for your E-commerce business. The terms and conditions are crucial for regulating the activities of visitors on your E-commerce platform and establishing a clear relationship between the visitors and the platform owner.
These terms should be tailored to suit the specific needs and nature of your E-commerce platform. For instance, a platform that facilitates product sales and transactions requires different terms compared to a platform focused on providing information.
Our guidelines empower E-commerce platform owners to protect themselves from potential legal liabilities.

What Should Terms and Conditions Include?

    Eligibility criteria for using the E-commerce platform and requirements for creating an account (if applicable)

    Key commercial terms offered to the customers

    Payment methods (credit/debit cards, PayPal, offline payments, etc.)

    Reservation of the right to modify offers

    Warranties and liability for services and products

    Intellectual property, copyrights, and logos

    Right to suspend or cancel an account or membership


    Limitation of liability

    Right to change and modify the terms

    Preference of legislation and conflict resolution

    Contact information

For more detailed information on drafting the Terms and Conditions section, refer to our Help Center article.

The explanations and information provided here are general and for illustrative purposes only. It is not intended as legal advice or a recommendation for specific actions. Easy Headway strongly advises seeking legal counsel to fully understand and formulate your terms and conditions.

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